Let your Power of Your Vision Calm your Fear.

person sitting on top of gray rock overlooking mountain during daytime
Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

When you know it’s time to make big changes toward reinvention, the Mind is fierce and can present a parade of horrors. It will lead you down the path of worry, and will display all your worst fears — the loss of security, feeling inept, rejection, humiliation and regret.  

“I just can’t do it… I’ll fail…. I am not enough for this.” Your heart palpitates and your stomach grows queasy. Fear can make you shake and shiver, whether physically or emotionally.   You imagine your failures leaving you homeless in the streets or deserted by family and friends, just because you dreamed too high. Scary stuff.

Fear is actually fueled by the energy of uncertainty, and that energy can be converted to empowering fuel by power of that same Mind. Fear only says: “This is new, unfamiliar territory, so I have to protect you.”  Fear can tell you that you are on the right road, where you need to be. In facing a journey outside your comfort zone, fear is a natural component in our DNA to generate more awareness, alertness and focus. Fear is not there to stop you in your tracks; fear is there to enliven and prepare you. It’s a higher level of energy and natural adrenalin. However, when it stops you, rather than vitalizes you, Fear becomes a whiner and defeatist. It says: “Stay here — where it’s safe. Watch from the stands–don’t go out there.”

But what if you take Fear by the shoulder, walk it into your Vision, and have a new conversation. Befriend your Fear.

Imagine another path you walk together as though exploring a new neighborhood. “Hey Fear, here is the new business I’ll be setting up for myself. And oh, see there! Those people you see are my happy clients and customers — so many I can’t count. And look there! Across the street, see my book in the window of the bookstore, with an award sticker on it.  There’s my happy family and friends gathering around me, patting my back, hugging me. And oh, here’s me, paying my bills with a smile on my face. Over there, see the places I am traveling to!  And there, the audiences I am speaking to! Then, there I am again. I look so fulfilled and healthy, doing what I love.”

And then getting more serious, you lean in and look Fear in the eye and say: “Fear — I appreciate you, you’re just trying to protect me. However, I am in charge of the journey and you can come along to ensure I stay awake while I am at the wheel on those dark nights. You and I are going to hit some patches of uncertainty, and you’re gonna come up to me screaming your head off. You will be pulling me by the collar shouting, no, no, no! So, let’s make a deal when that happens. Let’s sit again and watch this movie about my Vision, reset our focus and knowingness that where we are going is extraordinary and what we are meant to do. If we stay focused and resilient, we’re gonna be fine. When we hit a bump, just calm down and let’s get centered, knowing we always ask for some guidance and figure it out.”

To transform negative fear, to positive energy, ensure you have a Vision that is clear and big enough to fully inspire you. Imagine every detail of what it looks like, feels like. Infuse yourself with where you want to go, not where you’re afraid of going. The means to your Vision will be accomplished. There will be breadcrumbs and synchronicity that will lead you through the how’s. Manifestation feeds off trust, not trepidation. Invest in you Vision, not the fear.

By the way, consider this: if have no fear at all, you may be playing small. Your vision of reinvention is not not big enough to fully embrace and use your gifts and talents. No fear may mean that you are drawing sharp boundaries around your comfort zone, without the personal growth and ultimate fulfillment you are seeking. Reinvention means that there will be the “New” to tackle. However when “New” is embraced fully, it eventually becomes part of an expanded comfort zone. Consistent exercising your muscle of growth and learning to address the “New” will also work to dispel the self-harming side of fear.

Always return to your Mission, your Purpose….your reinvention is coming, and being faith-filled with a manifesting mind is important. Walking your talk is the next journey…walking in faith that that you were put here to make a difference based on everything you’ve done, been, felt and experienced, You have an audience waiting for you and your ancestors are in the bleachers cheering you on. It’s your time and your future awaits, but create the dream and infuse it with energy. There is now no space for the fearful thoughts to overwhelm you.

Instead, let the power of your Vision wash over you.

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