Big transitions out of relationships, jobs, locations and stages of life demand that we cannot carry with us everything from the past. That would be a “ball and chain” effect that hinder our movement into that next phase. It’s just too heavy. Moving on to new aspects of your life carries uncertainty, and even a bit of fear, but movement is the key word. Movement ahead.
There is a necessary shift in how that movement ahead works. A shift of clear knowing it’s for your good. It’s all about blessing the past that brought you here, no matter what the past includes. It’s about breaking cords.
In Hawaiian “Huna” culture, there is the concept that we are connected to our relationships through energy “aka” cords, and while most are positive, some may be no longer nourishing, or even toxic. Further, we can be attached to thoughtforms which cause attachments to the past. Learning out to break these cords is essential to moving forward.
Releasing these connections entails forgiveness. Forgiveness means a full dissolve of negative thoughts and feelings to get to the pure milk of peace. It’s especially about self-forgiveness –. all those things you think you did to hurt yourself or others. “Ho’oponopono” is the process of forgiveness which when performed, it cuts the cord, and the energy connection is broken. To break these cords, we issue a blessing for the good of all concerned, including ourselves and we visualize the deep, clean cut. In short, It works. I’ve experienced it.
Letting go is releasing ruminations. Ruminations are those wicked thoughts that blame you or others for some past event…something you want to make disappear as though it never happened. Ruminations exist to induce you to live in the past. To Let Go, is to be Present — fully present to your beinginess, and especially, your actual desires. Ruminations must be transformed instead into an acknowledged lesson, that thing not to be repeated, or at best, to be put into a new context of that which was meant to be at the time, and it is finished.
Releasing and letting go of the past is our continuing challenge. It is part of being human…to not allow out thoughts to inflict upon us harm. Do no harm. To yourself.
Letting go is about acknowledgement that you are fine as you are. You remain a creature who is always in the process of becoming. The cells within you are, right now, regenerating, including your brain cells. It’s always about change and evolution. We are never stagnant. We are not just an accumulation of our past. Consider that our bodies are set up to process what we put into it — it takes what is needed for nourishment and excretes the rest. Our minds are set up to work the same way. Take what is needed and release the rest.
We don’t need our bad, harmful memories. They served their purpose or in fact, never had a good purpose. Rinse and Release. Rinse and Release. Today, every day, you awaken with a new brain, a new mind, ready for new plantings. Memory exists to give us relativity and a sense of the passage of time, and to capture only the meaningful for nourishment and further growth. We are not meant to retain the garbage of anger, shame or hatred, which rots and festers as self-recrimination, resentment and guilt.
When you meditate, bring up that which you want to release and allow it to wash over you into a river that leads away from you, to be buried (as the dead always are). It’s always a new day to grab your most useful parts of your past, to be in the present to build a new future.
When you release the cords that bind you, there is immediate peace and an exhilaration that all is well. You are now on a new adventure and the world lays open before you…Jump in…the water is warm and seeks to engulf you in play like a merry dolphin! Time to swim deep down where the sounds of discord and hurt cannot be heard anymore. Let them fade away. It’s time to do so.
Feel like the chick which is pecking its way out of its shell, fearful of what is outside, but also knowing that it is its salvation. Resolute and afraid, all at the same time. Adventure awaits. It’s called the full-out living of your life.
Everyday, in every way, there is a New You.