Photo by Simon Rae

Many years ago, I lived with a Creative — a writer — at that time, a would-be novelist. We co-created characters, ideas, scenes and story lines, and then he went off to write the chapters. It was an exhilarating experience for me. As he progressed with the chapters, the characters and the stories became clear –their voices, their histories, and their emotional make-ups — and more real. It soon began to feel as though they were waiting for us behind some cosmic curtain — beseeching us to continue to enliven them through the narratives we created. We became more drawn to the co-creation experience, and an energy pulled us in to keep expanding their worlds Then, at some point, our characters joined us, and began to dictate their own story. We became their scribes, trailing after them to keep the story lines organized, filling in the holes and following loose threads to sew them up in good conclusions. In short, the novel began to write itself. By the time we finished, we were convinced of the reality of what we had created, and that the story and these characters were alive — actually existing, and going on with their lives as though we did not matter. We would have to catch up to them with the sequel. Of course, my partner did write a sequel. He had no choice. It already existed and he simply had to follow the breadcrumbs also created by these characters and simply continue to write their stories.

That experience gave me some idea of how God (or whatever you call your Spiritual Source or  Higher Consciousness) works. Imagine that we are born out of imagination. Something had to first imagine us, the human race, and how it works. When created, we began to claim our narratives –so much so, we forget we are the objects of a grand imagination. We lose the thread of connection to that which created us. Like the characters in the novel, so do they. When a book is taken to the screen, we also immerse ourselves in their world, and while there, they are quite real.

When I was a teenager, I became an obsessed soap opera fan. Between episodes, I would actually spend hours worrying about some situation my favorite characters were in, and how it would be resolved. I was playing out various scenarios as though I was there and coaching them through their problems.

They were real to me, despite the fact that were I sitting in the studio where the show was being filmed. I would clearly recognize that these were just actors, and that when the word “cut” was pronounced, they would drop their roles, and bid each other well and return to their real lives. My mind pronounced them as real, and my response emotions were also quite real. The experience woke me up to the innate power of my own imagination.

Our minds are powerful, and tell us what is real and not real. What we choose to be real is critical. How we regard and direct the outputs of our creative imagination is also key in creating the experiences in our lives.

Neville Goddard, a prolific spiritual author and speaker, wrote extensively about the power of the creative imagination. To quote him:

Imagination is seeing with the eyes of God.”

“There is nothing more important than developing your imagination to transform your life from the inside world of your thoughts and feelings to the outside world of your results and manifestations.”  

He also wrote: “Imagination is seeing with the eyes of God.” He wrote extensively about the concept that our imagination is actually the realm of God-consciousness, endless and infinite and ultimately creative. It is the ultimate powerhouse of our manifesting abilities. What we fiercely imagine with faith and emotive energy will be created. 

Everything we create comes from imaginative thought. And we are constantly creating. If scientists can create cures, architects can envision buildings, and Apple engineers can create magical phones, then each of us can also create the course and experiences in our lives. 

We each hold enormous power to stay still for just a few minutes and create our vision, imagine our successes, our relationships and how we feel, and with a deep faith, release it to start the creation process. Sustain the vision until it draws you, pulls you into its own reality.  Like a delicate cloud, it will  float and develop more substance, picking up more elements, until it rains down on you with all that you desired. 

Be the Author of your Life.

What’s your Story Going to Be?

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