In the course of a career, it is more likely than not, you will be subject to a layoff or a an elimination of your […]
Need more Fulfillment at Work? “Job Craft!”
No two people do the same work the same way. Like our DNA, our work expression is like no other. There are differences in the […]
The Power of Your Imagination…Ride its Wave, Create your Life
Many years ago, I lived with a Creative — a writer — at that time, a would-be novelist. We co-created characters, ideas, scenes and story […]
Reset your Personal Boundaries, Stop the Tolerations! — Part 1
What or Who are you Putting Up With? Over 20 years ago, I got clear about “Tolerations” and what it took to get rid of […]
On the Precipice of Reinvention?
Let your Power of Your Vision Calm your Fear. When you know it’s time to make big changes toward reinvention, the Mind is fierce and […]
Stressed, Anxious or Depressed? Consider this…
I recently participated in a mental health training session at work, and considered the state of my own mental health. I am usually one of […]
You are SO Enough!
How does the phrase — “I am not enough” — become an imaginary banner in our lives? Is it something we are born to as […]
What are your “Sandbags?”
Your Life is like a Sailboat You are born into a ready sailboat captained by your parents. When you’re little, your parents steer and drive […]
“Entelechy” — Evolve to the Best Version of You
This is the concept that has captured me — for most of my life. “Entelechy,” a term first coined by Aristotle, means the process of […]
Career vs. Calling — All or Nothing?
For most of my career life, I suffered with the thought that livelihood is one choice you make and you throw yourself into it 110%, […]