Take the Free Entelekeys Profiles Assessment to learn about your dominant EnteleKeys!
What is “success?” Being and doing what you want… and which satisfies. Every person has a purposeful mission or role which positively impacts the lives of others.
“Jobs” and “work” are being redefined. What were brick and mortar locally based workplaces have expanded to global, virtual workspaces. The internet has completely revolutionized how we work and where we work. We are no longer defined by a job title, but by the benefits we can provide by who we are and what we do. The ingredients of entelechy for each person propels, sustains and motivates the competitive excellence necessary to serve today’s markets for products and services. Therefore, how we communicate, bundle, market and execute our best strengths, gifts and talents can become aligned with what matters most to us.
We cannot effectively market ourselves without the underlying enthusiasm and strong belief in who we are and what we can accomplish. In other words, honoring one’s calling is not only desirable, but becomes a real necessity to thrive and succeed in today’s (and tomorrow’s) world. The passionate or vital element of work life means that the people who comprise an organization are each working and contributing congruent with their Highest Values, Natural Interests, Talents, Gifts and Skills. To be “passionately” involved or committed in an undertaking is simply to express one’s natural inclinations.
The EnteleKeys Profiles comprise a proprietary self-assessment/growth paradigm and tool which pinpoint those critical elements of, values and aspirations — forming the basis for an effective self-actualization program.
The EnteleKeys Profiles assist individuals in building a platform of living and working that is aligned with purpose – in every experience and in every environment. They postulate that each human being consists of seven different energies which define and color both personality and “inner spirit.” It is this self which represents the primary energy or force we project in the world to express and contribute the best and truest of ourselves. It is when we operate from these parts of ourselves that we can really see the “sense” of things in our lives and the ways we best contribute to ourselves and to others. Each EnteleKeys Profile is a guidepost to one’s calling or purpose in life. It represents one’s deepest yearning and desire underlying full self-expression– leading to greater fulfillment.
POWER AND PURPOSE – The Dynamo, Leader, Director, Warrior, Chief, Executive or Initiator – a person who purposefully leads, directs or inspires others to achieve shared plans or goals.
LOVE AND ENLIGHTENMENT- The Helper, Counselor, Nurturer, Mentor, Advisor, Teacher, Enlightener, Illuminator, Sage and/or Muse – a person who is motivated (by love for others) to help, care for, support, facilitate, teach or enlighten.
CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE – The Innovator, Ideator, Imagineer, Creator, Enterpriser, Magus, Promoter and/or Strategist – a person who generates and launches creative ideas and or facilitates or implements them into practical form.
BEAUTY AND HARMONY – The Artist, Creative, Aesthete, Harmonizer Mediator, Diplomat, Win-Win Negotiator and/or Philocalist – a person who seeks, creates or is deeply inspired by Harmony and Beauty.
KNOWLEDGE AND DISCOVERY- The Explorer, Discoverer, Scientist, Inventor, Scholar, Analyst, Problem Solver, Specialist and/or Expert— a person who through the attainment of knowledge and exploration, seeks answers, solutions, inventions or new discoveries/frontiers.
IDEALS AND BELIEFS – The Believer, Devotee, Idealist, Activist, Visionary, Advocate and/or Evangelist – a person primarily led by his/her own beliefs, ideals or vision(s).
ORGANIZATION AND REALIZATION — The Builder, Transformer, Manager, Reformer, Organizer, Orchestrator, Arranger and/or Architect —a person who proactively manages or executes a plan or undertaking through or with others; builds, creates order out of chaos, reforms or transforms toward a desired or higher goal or vision.
Uses /Benefits of the EnteleKeys Profiles™
-Creates Clear Guidance for Articulating and Actualizing Strengths and Key Potentialities for Personal & Professional Development, as well as Overcoming Innate Challenges
-Articulates Mission, Purpose and Calling
-Provides the Basis for Creating a Fulfilling & Inspirited Life Design
-Pinpoints Vocational Focus/Basis for Long-term Career Design and Development
-Provides the Foundational Outline for Personal Coaching and Mentoring
-Enhances the Quality and Mutual Benefits of Professional and Personal Relationships
Take the Free Entelekeys Profiles Assessment to learn about your dominant EnteleKeys Profiles!
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